Monday, November 19, 2018

Analytical Exposition Text


Kompetensi Dasar:

3.22      Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks
eksposisi analitis lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait isu aktual, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

4.22  Menyusun teks eksposisi analitis tulis, terkait isu aktual, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks 

Analytical Exposition text is a text that elaborates the writer’s opinion on phenomena/issues without persuading the reader to do something. The text will only persuade the readers that the phenomena/issues are important to be discussed and are supported by facts (graph, pictures, or charts) and relevant information.

Example of analytical exposition text
Essays, letters, newspaper articles, editorials, and speeches/lectures, political leaflet

The function of analytical exposition text is to persuade the readers or audience that the idea is important matter and to look at it with the writer’s perspective.

Generic structure of analytical exposition text
1.  Thesis. It introduces the topic and establishes the writer’s point of view. Introductory statement should be an emotional statement or a question that grab an attention. A preview about the writers’ points is stated to support the thesis.
2.   A series of arguments. They convince the readers. Each paragraph starts with new argument which has a main point, reason for the main point and evidence to support it. In this part, emotive and mental verbs and also casual conjunction are used to persuade the readers. The paragraphs has to be logically linked to the previous paragraph and to the thesis statement.
3.   Reiteration. It is a conclusion that restate the writer’s thesis statement and a summary about what has been stated.
 (Source: Emilia, (2012) in Bahasa Ingris XI Semester 2, Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan 2014)

Language Feature of analytical exposition text
1.    Using present tense
2.    Using descriptive persuasive words with emotive connotations to emphasize the view point. (These words can either positive or negative by choosing the appropriate diction. For example, the word “appalling” and “terrible” are better instead of using “bad”; “convincing”, and “realistic” are better  than “persuading”.)
3.    Using mental verbs (such as “I believe”, “I prefer”, “I agree”, “I doubt”)
4.    Using connecting words (to link to arguments so that the flow of them is logical but fluent. Some examples are “additionally”, “furthermore”, “not only”, “also”, “in addition”, moreover”, like wise)
5.   Using casual conjunctions (to indicate cause or reason of what is being stated. For example: “because”, “consequently”, “despite’, “due to”, “for that reason”, and many more.)
6.  Using words that express the writer’s attitude. (It means to qualify or confirm. These words are “will”, “frequency”, “may” “must”, “usually”, “typically”, “habitual”, “commonly”, “doubtless”, etc.).
7.    Using persuasive techniques. (They are generalization, evidence and facts, and exaggeration. Generalization is meant to support viewpoints or argument. It can be in the form of common belief and general statements. Evidence and facts are used to back up the generalization like using research, expert opinion, testimony, or quotes. The use of exaggeration is meant to make things or issues appear better or worse than they actually are.
(Simon and Schuster, 2002 in Bahasa Ingris XI Semester 2, Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan 2014)

An example of exposition text is illustrated below.

Text organization
Banning of motorbikes is necessary in the housing areas.
Language features
Introduction thesis statement
Motorbikes are a nuisance and a cause for great distress. Even though motorbikes are considered as the most convenient from transportation, I think they are a hazard to humans, animals as well as the environment. I think motorbikes should be banned in housing areas due to the following reasons: cause of unreasonable amount of noise, air pollution, diseases, and accidents.
Mental verbs:
I think
I believe
Argument 1 + elaboration
First of all, I would like to point out that motorbikes are major contributor to the pollution in the world. Research has shown that motorbikes emit a deadly gas that is dangerous for environment. Consequently, long-term emission of gas from motorbikes is a major contributor of global warming (Science Daily).
Conjunctive relation:

First of all

Casual conjunction:

Argument 2 + elaboration
Secondly, according to a report from BBC, motorbikes are also responsible for causing diseases such as bronchitis, cancer, and are a major trigger of asthma and high blood pressure. Some of the disease are so ghastly that they can kill people (BBC News, 2009).
Generic reference:


Argument 3 + elaboration
Furthermore, motorbikes create so much noise. There is “vroom vroom” noise everywhere. It is extremely difficult to sleep. Parents with infants find it extremely challenging. The moment their babies fall asleep, one or other motorbike passes by and the baby wakes up. It is also arduous for children to concentrate on their homework. Experts are of opinion that if there is extreme noise, it can lead to deafness and lack of concentration in children and adults (Fields, 1993).
Expert opinion


Research show
Argument 4 + elaboration
Finally, motorbikes are responsible for horrible accidents. In some cases there are death. Motorbike riders go so fast that they are unable to stop on time thus they end up hitting other people or animals. Many a times a lot of animals ae trampled and found death on road. Motorbikes are known to be the biggest killers on road (Filled, 1993)
Present tense:
go fast
are responsible
there is

Conclusion Reiteration of thesis statement
In conclusion, from the arguments above, I strongly believe that motorbikes should be banned from housing areas.

Taken from Bahasa Ingris XI Semester 2, Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan 2014)

Motorbikes are a nuisance and a cause for great distress. Even though motorbikes are considered as the most convenient from transportation, I think they are a hazard to humans, animals as well as the environment. I think motorbikes should be banned in housing areas due to the following reasons: cause of unreasonable amount of noise, air pollution, diseases, and accidents.
First of all, I would like to point out that motorbikes are major contributor to the pollution in the world. Research has shown that motorbikes emit a deadly gas that is dangerous for environment. Consequently, long-term emission of gas from motorbikes is a major contributor of global warming (Science Daily).
Secondly, according to a report from BBC, motorbikes are also responsible for causing diseases such as bronchitis, cancer, and are a major trigger of asthma and high blood pressure. Some of the disease are so ghastly that they can kill people (BBC News, 2009).
Furthermore, motorbikes create so much noise. There is “vroom vroom” noise everywhere. It is extremely difficult to sleep. Parents with infants find it extremely challenging. The moment their babies fall asleep, one or other motorbike passes by and the baby wakes up. It is also arduous for children to concentrate on their homework. Experts are of opinion that if there is extreme noise, it can lead to deafness and lack of concentration in children and adults (Fields, 1993).
Finally, motorbikes are responsible for horrible accidents. In some cases there are death. Motorbike riders go so fast that they are unable to stop on time thus they end up hitting other people or animals. Many a times a lot of animals ae trampled and found death on road. Motorbikes are known to be the biggest killers on road (Filled, 1993)
In conclusion, from the arguments above, I strongly believe that motorbikes should be banned from housing areas.

Location: Blitar, Blitar City, East Java, Indonesia

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