Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Giving Announcement (Reading)


Definition, Purpose, and Type
Announcement is  something said, written, or printed which is containing information about an event that has happened or is going to happen. The purpose is informing something to public.  Announcement can be spoken (oral) or written.

Spoken announcement usually begins with saying “ATTENTION, PLEASE” or anything like that. In spoken announcement, you should speak clearly so that the targeted people can easily understand it. Besides, the information should be short and simple.

Written announcement usually begins with the tittle or for whom the announcement is written.

Generic Structure of Announcement
1.    Stating Purpose: The text that contains what event will be held
2.    Stating Day and Date: Day and Date realization. The text that contains when the event will be held
3.    Stating Place: The text that contains where the event will be held
4.    Informing Sender: The text that contains name of the person who will be contacted

Language Feature of Announcement

§  Using Simple Present Tense and simple future tense.

This is an example of written announcement.

First Day of School Announcement
Hello, this is Ms. Hilton, Principal of Farmersville Elementary School with
important information about our first day of school.
Students will return to school on Tuesday, August 30th.
Our morning bell rings at 8:55 AM.  The late bell is at 9:05 AM.
I encourage students to ride their assigned school bus, to and from school,                       (5)
whenever possible.
For those parents who must drop off their child, please remember to follow
our Drop Off procedures which can be found on our school website,
the PTA handbook and attached to the email accompanying this call.
Students are dismissed to their buses at 3:40 PM.                                                             (10)
Parents must provide a note to their child’s homeroom teacher if they are not
riding the bus.  Parents picking their children up will enter the gymnasium to
retrieve their child.
Again, it is imperative that parents provide a written note explaining
alternate dismissal procedures.  If no note is provided, students                                       (15)
will be placed on their assigned bus.  If something changes during
the school day, parents must notify the main office by calling 610-868-0471 
and/or faxing a note to 610-807-5980.
To our Kindergarten families, I want to reassure you that your children are
in good hands.  We will have many extra helpers the first week to help                             (20)
your child to and from their classroom, at lunch, and during dismissal. 
They will be fine.  Please remember to put their name tags on!
We have an exciting first week planned! I know the kids will have a great day back!
Here’s to another exciting school year!

See you all soon.

Ms. Hilton
Location: Blitar, Blitar City, East Java, Indonesia

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  1. Mon, which one is more effective; spoken announcement or written announcement?

    1. It depends on the material which will be delivered and the way to announce.
